Have you noticed your car or truck getting a little bit loud... and not in a good way? If so, it's probably time to get your exhaust system checked out.
Exhaust System Safety
It's not just about comfort -- it's also about safety. A leaky or broken exhaust system can cause carbon monoxide and toxic gasses to build up in your passenger cabin. This is a majorly serious safety concern. Be sure to have your exhaust system inspected on a regular basis to ensure there are no leaks.
Muffler Replacement
If your muffler is just getting worn out, you'll probably know it by the sound. Just overall loudness and sometimes vibration can be the symptoms of a worn out muffler needing replacement. If you hear hissing sounds coming from your vehicle's exhaust system when the car is running, this could be a leak. Contact us today so we can take a look for you. Sometimes it's a matter of muffler repair, other times, a new muffler replacement is needed.
Other Exhaust System Components
Other components that need to be checked over on a regular basis include your exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, and the exhaust system's exhaust pipe and tailpipe. Breaks or leaks in any of these components can cause excess noise, vibration, engine performance issues, an increase in polluting emissions, and dangerous, hard to detect safety issues.
Whether you think you need a muffler replacement, obvious exhaust system problems or not, be sure to have your exhaust and muffler system checked out by experts on a regular maintenance basis.
Stay safe and Contact Us today or call 217-922-0064 to schedule an oil change appointment.